Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

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1. Knightmare VR theme
The usual name given to the proposed theme tune for Knightmare VR. The official name is simply the 'Knightmare Theme', but using this would cause confusion with the Tony Hatch penned theme from the original series.

The theme (penned by the mysterious 'Madmanmoon'), along with other incidental music from the Knightmare VR Pilot, was discovered on this page by Darren on the 29th October 2005 (see forum thread). With the famous 'comedy organ' music from the pilot, cheesy '1950s horror movie' type samples, and, most memorably, a computer voice (or as the site describes it, 'revolutionary vocaloid singing synthesis technology') repeatedly saying the words 'Knightmare, its a Knightmare' (with a long hold on the letter A) it came upon instant ridicule in the Knightmare Forum, LiveJournal, and #knightmare chat.

Various reviews described it as 'the musical equivalent of a catheter [in that it takes the piss]', 'something that sounds like it's from an episode of Top of the Pops, circa 1969', and simply 'Now I feel sick'. But quickly, the theme blossomed into something quite memorable. Due to it being so hilariously awful, it took on a 'so bad, it's good' feel, and the chant of 'Knightmare, it's a Knightmare' has quickly become a rallying battle cry for the Bring Back Knightmare campaign, re-energised at around the same time. By the end of the year it had become a community-wide institution, even featuring on the Wall Aid 11 recording of Do They Know It's Quest Mess?, on both the song and in the messages.

In 2012, Pooka reuploaded the theme and other Knightmare VR music to here.

Truly, it is indeed a Knightmare!

Provided By: Billy, 2006-01-02 03:11:09
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